These sounds will not cease until you have recharged, fed, or groomed the Tattletail. When the bars go empty, the Tattletail will make the following sounds: After the first two nights, the player must keep an eye on the bars to see when they are very low. On the second night, the game requires the player to charge the Tattletail on a Skylanders-like pedestal. On the first night, the game requires the player to feed and groom the Tattletail at the refrigerator and the brush in the living room respectively.
Since this is a wiki, you are free to change information about Five Nights at Freddy's here. Bendy makes ink balls, and they hit Babys face, blinding her. Suddenly, Bendy reforms, and breaks open the barrel, which contains ink. The player is supposed to receive one as a present on Christmas Day, but they open it five days early in the basement. Bendy forms in the room, but is suprised by the barrel, getting hit, and his upper body is crushes against the wall. The toy brand was developed by Waygetter Electronics. The Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki aims to document all aspects of the game. Baby Talking TattleTail or simply Tattletail, is the titular deuteragonist of Tattletail. Contents Appearance Features Gameplay 7 7.1 Dialogue 7. Five Nights at Freddy's is an indie point-and-click horror game made by Scott Cawthon, and it was first released on August 8th, 2014. She is the mother of all Tattletails, and the main antagonist of the game. The game was released on Steam on December 28, 2016. The player must care for their virtual pet toy, Baby Talking Tattletail, while avoiding the pursuit of its recalled predecessor, Mama Tattletail. ° :cloud: :cloud: :cloud: Her lullaby that she can sing 'Stars and moons and and air balloons. Tattletail Tattletail is a video game created by Waygetter Electronics. Special needs are the three purple, green, and orange colored bars that appear in the top left corner of the screen when the player is holding the Tattletail. Mama Tattletail is a toy created by Waygetter Electronics that was discontinued shortly after her conception. (She part of the pastel and dreams baby tattletails). From information collected from the in-game trailer, the purple variant of the Tattletail is the most common Tattletail, yellow being more of an average appearing Tattletail, and the cyan being the rarest Tattletail.

The Tattletail character is first introduced on the first night, after the player has opened up their Christmas present early, and when picked up, will make very, very loud sounds, which can be a hazard if Mama is nearby from night 3 onward. The Baby Talking Tattletail is the main character in the game, with the appearance very strongly resembling a Furby, with a heart nose, big ears, a tail in the back, and a coat of fur that is either purple, yellow, or cyan-colored.